Monday, March 2, 2009

Finally Found Some Human Blockhead

Yes, the Schmaltz brewing guys Twittered me about finding the Human Blockhead Lager. I tried it with my cousin Steven when it first came out, at the premiere party held at The Gate, and we loved it. The Schmaltz guys told me I could find some at Bierkraft, so I stopped off there on Friday night right before they closed and picked up a couple of bottles.

At The Gate we had tried the Human Blockhead on tap and it was great. However, since then the drink (in the bottle at least) has been upgraded from around 8% alcohol to 10% alcohol. I'm not sure if anything else about the recipe has been changed but the beer isn't as good as I remember and I think it's the higher alcohol content. Unfortunately, the beer is a little too strong and has too strong an aftertaste.

I am glad I finally found it! But I'll stick to the regular Coney Island Lager.

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