Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Guerrilla Sand Sculpting in Coney

Amazing weekend. I sculpted the looming "Coney Mall", complete with Zombie shoppers. The sand sculpture contest was basically a shill for Whore Equities. They were as far away from subtle as possible, too, with T-shirts on all of the workers that had their name slapped on them and they hired a professional team to build a huge clone of what they built last year, except this time with Whore Equities' name on it.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A loving cup! A loving cup!

Ah, Coney Island Lager, and having one at the Freak Bar is the best. Can you believe that some bars in Manhattan are charging $20 for one of these? Come down to Coney Island and have one with me at the Freak Bar for $7.
I love Brooklyn.
Working on a few big projects, that should be ready soon. And lots of things going on in Coney at the moment. The Dreamland Roller Rink is coming back! And the Siren Music Festival is coming up! I'll keep everyone posted.